Mobile Signal Boosters

Rural Mobile Phone Services

Update July 2024:

The Mobile Boost scheme has secured some additional funding from the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership and will reopen to new applications on the 19th July 2024 and will run for a limited time.

Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) has launched the roll out of its new mobile booster scheme, aimed at small businesses and households in rural communities who currently have inadequate coverage, have access to only one provider and who are currently struggling with connectivity.

Subsidised Mobile Signal Booster

Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS)

Access The Devon And Somerset Mobile Booster Voucher Scheme For Rural Areas With Moortek. Businesses and households can apply for a voucher of up to £1,300 towards the cost of a mobile signal booster from us.

The initiative, which is being funded through the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership’s (HotSWLEP) Growth Deal, will offer vouchers to enable selected premises to purchase a wireless mobile signal booster in order to improve their 4G coverage.

Data from Ofcom states that 23,000 premises across the Devon and Somerset area are 4G “not-spots”, meaning they lack adequate coverage.

The Mobile Booster project aims to upgrade 4G coverage within homes and businesses in order to improve connectivity and the ability to make voice calls. The programme will focus on small business connections and will target those premises which have no adequate coverage from any operator or only one operator.

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